Add Personal Message to your Windows logon Screen
Sometimes we wish if we can add a personal message to my computer welcome screen. That would be very well.
But many of us specially new users don't know how to add a message as i want. Today I wiil solve this kind of problem properly.
But many of us specially new users don't know how to add a message as i want. Today I wiil solve this kind of problem properly.
If you want to add a message follow the following instructions:
- Go to start button > Run > type regedit and press Enter.
- Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > Winlogon
- Now from the right side Click double on LegalNoticeCaption.
- Then type there your message caption.
- Now again from the right side Click double on LegalNoticeText.
- Then type what you want to set your message.
- Now restart your computer and see the message that you have set on welcome screen and enjoy.